Monday, January 9, 2017

Phobia Project

1. An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

A. Aeroacrophobia- the fear of open high places
B. Agateophobia- the fear of insanity
C. Apeirophobia- the fear of infinity
D. Claustrophobia- fear of confined spaces
E. Hypnophobia- fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.

3. For my phobia photo I wanted to do Agateophobia, which is the fear of insanity. I was thinking I could take a photo of someone in sitting alone in a room, looking distressed and disheveled, almost insane. I would try both horizontal and vertical photos but I think i would like to go more along the lines of horizontal photos. I don't know if the picture has to be rule of thirds, but I would also like to play with balance a little bit. I would want to make the background boring and almost blank so that whomever is looking at the photo will focus on the subject. My point of view will be either very up close or a full body shot. I would like the light in my photo to be tinted blueish-green to convey a depressing and insane kind of feel, to pull the viewer of the photo in and bring their attention to it. For clothing I will probably have them wear all white, like a big white t-shirt or something to convey the looks of a mental patient in a psych ward. Their body language will be very anxious looking, like they are waiting for something bad to happen, or going out of their minds. I would like to enhance the story behind my photo as much as I can.

4. My three different shoots will be with;
A. Agateophobia
B. Aeroacrophobia
C. Hypnophobia
For the modeling side of this, I will be using my sister for all three. In the photos I will find and choose three different backgrounds that contribute to the photo as much as the model does. I will most likely be shooting in the forest behind my house, for that is where I get the most creative.  This applies to all three.

5. In the photographs, I can use the rules to help me focus attention. I can also mess with different types of lighting and backgrounds. Such as using lamps with colored paper over it and so forth.

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