Monday, April 10, 2017

First Student Interview

1. What is your name and grade?
1. Ben Sharp, I'm a freshman.
2. How has being made student of the month effected you?
2. I always thought I could be student of the month, and it has effected my personality.
3. How have you helped yourself achieve this goal?
3. I just always tried my best.
4. Why do you feel you were chosen as student of the month?
4. Because I've always done my best to be at the top.
5. How does it make you feel to be student of the month?
5. It makes me feel like I actually can make a big difference.
6. Does the student of the month have any authority?
6. Yes, some, but not quite the authority of a teacher or anything.
7. What kind of grades do the students of the month have to make?
7. All A's maybe an exception for a B.
8. Are there other students that you feel could have been student of the month?
8. Yes, everyone has the potential for it.
9. Are your parents and teachers proud?
9. I believe my parents mainly, but some of my teachers are proud too.
10. Does this make you view school in a different way?
10. Not really. I still see the same school, just at a different point of view.
11. What are you responsible for as student of the month?
11. I am responsible for maintaining mine and other people's behavior.
12. Is it stressful?
12. A little, because people are always looking up to you.
13. Have you been treated any different than usual?
13. No, I am still treated the same.
14. Do you think, if mind is set to it, that anyone could be student of the month?
14. Yes, as long as they are willing to put in the work.
15. How do you think your parents feel?
15. I think my parents feel really proud.
16. Have you been recognized any further?
16. Just that I'm student of the month.
17. What advice would you give to others?
17. My advice for others would be to keep achieving.
18. What is your job as student of the month?
18. My job is to set a good example for others.
19. Do you think that being awarded this position makes you want to do better?
19. I definitely do, I always want to achieve better.
20. How do you think you inspire others?
20. I think my good attitude inspires others.

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